Combined Semantic Profiles for RWMBook
This ALPS document links together all the existing ALPS semantifc profiles for the RWMBook.
- Application State Diagram
- Semantic Descriptors
- accept (semantic), List of supported media types for responses
- accepted (semantic), Delayed Response resource
- acceptedRecord (semantic), A single accepted record
- adr (semantic), Physical address
- affectedEndpoints (semantic), A JSON array containing URI Templates
- allow (semantic), HTTP methods supported for this service context
- apis (semantic), List of APIs identified in the file
- apisJSON (semantic), APIs.json resource
- baseUrl (semantic), Web URL
- cacheTTL (semantic), How long (in milliseconds) the response should be cached by the client
- cachingDirectives (semantic), Additional caching directives for the query
- cancel (semantic), Requested cancel resource
- charset (semantic), List of supported character sets that may be used responses
- checks (semantic), List of downstream dependencies
- clientMetaPreferences (semantic), List of client preference options this service supports
- common (semantic), List of common properties
- completed (semantic), Requested completed resource
- completedURL (semantic), URL of the completed status resource
- componentId (semantic), A unique identifier of an instance of a specific sub-component/dependency.
- componentName (semantic), Human-readable name for the component.
- componentType (semantic), SHOULD be present if componentName is present (component, datastore, system).
- contact (semantic)
- created (semantic), Creation date of the file
- data (semantic), The data for the property
- dateCreated (semantic), Indicates the date/time (UTC) this delayed response was first created).
- dateEstimated (semantic), Indicates the date/time (UTC) this this delayed request is expected to complete.
- dateUpdated (semantic), Indicates the last date/time (UTC) this delayed response was modified).
- description (semantic), A human-friendly description of the service.
- doCancel (idempotent), Request to cancel this outstanding delayed task (using DELETE)
- doCancelSubmit (idempotent), Cancel (abandon) form submission
- doCancelWIP (idempotent), Cancel an existing WIP resource
- doCreateWIP (idempotent), Create a new WIP resource
- doFinalSubmit (idempotent), Final (completed) submit of the form
- doPartialSubmit (idempotent), Submit data using this form
- doReplayCreate (idempotent), Create a new replay resource..
- doReplayRemove (idempotent), Remove an existing replay resource..
- doReplayUpdate (idempotent), Update an existing replay resource..
- doResetSubmit (idempotent), Reset form inputs to intitial state
- doShareWIP (idempotent), Share/save an existing WIP resource
- doStatusWIP (idempotent), Modify the status of an exsiting WIP resource
- doSubmitWIP (idempotent), Submit (for final acceptance) a completed WIP Rresource.
- doUpdateWIP (idempotent), Update a single existing WIP resource
- doWatchClear (idempotent), Clear the list of selected watchable elements
- doWatchCreate (idempotent), Create a new list of selected watchable elements
- doWatchUpdate (idempotent), Upate the list of selected watchable elements
- doWFProgressUpdate (idempotent), Update an existing progress record.
- email (semantic), Email Address
- encoding (semantic), List of supported content and transfer encodings
- exitList (semantic), The controlled exit state (after you leave the list).
- failed (semantic), Requested failed resource
- failedURL (semantic), URL of the failed status resource
- fn (semantic), Full Name
- goAccepted (safe), Navigate to the delayed response resource
- goAPIsJSON (safe), Navigate to the APIs.json resource
- goCompleted (safe), Navigate to the completed resource
- goExit (safe), Exist the list.
- goFailed (safe), Navigate to the failed resource
- goFilterWIP (safe), Get a filtered list of WIP records
- goFirst (safe), Move to the first page in the list.
- goForm (safe), Go to the input form
- goHealth (safe), Navigate to the Health Checks resource
- goHome (safe), Go to the Home resource
- goLast (safe), Move to the last page in the list.
- goList (safe), Go to the list (usually, the start of the list).
- goListWIP (safe), Go to the WIP list resource.
- goMetaPreferences (safe), Go to the meta-preferences resource
- goMRU (safe), Go to the MRU resource
- goNext (safe), Move forward to the next page in the last
- goPrevious (safe), Move back to the previous page in the list.
- goQueryMetadata (safe), Navigate to the Query Metadata resource
- goReadWIP (safe), Retrieve a single AIP resource.
- goRelated (safe), Go to related link resource
- goReplayFilter (safe), Supports filtering the list of stored replay resources
- goReplayItem (safe), Navigates to a single stored replay resources.
- goReplayList (safe), Navigates to the list of stored replay resources
- goReplayQuery (safe), Executes a stored replay resources.
- goSelect (safe), Select an item from the list
- goWatchList (safe), Go to the list of available elements
- goWatchResource (safe), Go to the list of selected watchable elements
- goWFProgress (safe), Navigate to the jobs resource
- health (semantic), Health Check resource
- home (semantic)
- href (semantic), URL of the form.
- humanUrl (semantic), Web URL
- identifier (semantic), unique identifier for this delayed response.
- image (semantic), Web URL leading to associated image
- include (semantic), List of APIs.json files referenced.
- input (semantic), Input for the submit form
- inputForm (semantic), Form object and actions
- jobDateCreated (semantic), Indicates the date/time (UTC) this resource was first created).
- jobDateUpdated (semantic), Indicates the last date/time (UTC) this resource was modified).
- jobDescription (semantic), Human-readable text that describes this document.
- jobID (semantic), unique identifier for this job resource.
- jobMaxTTL (semantic), Indicates the maximum amount of time (in seconds) this resource is considered valid.
- jobRecord (semantic), A job record (which has a collection of tasks)
- jobStatus (semantic), Indicates resource status (pending, working, completed, failed)
- jobURL (semantic), URL of this job resource document
- language (semantic), List of supported natural languages for responses
- links (semantic), An object containing link relations and URIs [RFC3986] for external links
- list (semantic), The list and all the options.
- maintainers (semantic), List of people/orgs maintaining this file
- measurementName (semantic), Web URL
- mediaType (semantic), IANA media type
- MetaPreferences (semantic), meta object with supported client preferencs
- modified (semantic), Date of last modification of this file
- mru (semantic), MRU link and action
- mrulink (semantic), MRU link object and actions
- name (semantic), Name of API or collection
- navlink (semantic), List navigation link object.
- notes (semantic), An array of notes relevant to current state of health
- observedUnit (semantic), The unit of measurement in which observedValue is reported
- observedValue (semantic), Any valid JSON value
- org (semantic), Organization
- output (semantic), The raw error output, in case of 'fail' or 'warn' states.
- percentCompleted (semantic), A value (0-100) of completion.
- photo (semantic), URL
- profile (semantic), List of supported semantic profiles for this service
- properties (semantic), collection
- q-count (semantic), Estimated size of the result set
- q-datetime (semantic), Date-Time the query was executed
- q-executed (semantic), Actual query executed
- q-location (semantic), Replay URL
- q-returned (semantic), The number of records returned in this response.
- q-score (semantic), Results relevance scoring
- q-seconds (semantic), Elapsed time for query execution (in seconds)
- q-sent (semantic), Query sent
- q-source (semantic), Data source(s)
- q-status (semantic), Query status
- q-suggest (semantic), Query suggestions
- queryMetadata (semantic), Health Check resource
- refresh (semantic), A value (in milliseconds) that represents the refresh interval
- rel (semantic), Relation value of the form URL
- related (semantic), Related resource object and actions
- relatedlink (semantic), Link object
- releaseId (semantic), Release/version identifier for the service.
- replayItem (semantic), Replay item resource
- replayList (semantic), Replay list resource
- replayRecord (semantic), A single query reply record
- replayResults (semantic), Query results resource
- resourceQuery (semantic), complete (original) query resource
- resources (semantic), List of resources available for API operations.
- selectRecord (semantic), A single record from the list.
- serviceId (semantic), A unique identifier of the service.
- specifications (semantic), List of open specifications
- status (semantic), indicates service status (pass, fail, warn)
- tags (semantic), Array of descriptive strings
- taskDescription (semantic), Human-readable text that describes this task.
- taskID (semantic), unique identifier for this task.
- taskMaxTTL (semantic), Indicates the maximum amount of time (in seconds) this task is considered valid.
- taskMessage (semantic), Human-readable text that contains any messages related to the task.
- taskRecord (semantic), A task record (part of a job)
- taskStartDateTime (semantic), Indicates the date/time (UTC) processing started.
- taskStatus (semantic), Indicates resource status (pending, working, completed, failed)
- taskStopDateTime (semantic), Indicates the date/time (UTC) processing stopped).
- taskURL (semantic), URL of the task resrouce
- tel (semantic), Phone number
- time (semantic), The date-time at which the reading of the observedValue was recorded.
- title (semantic), Text title of the form URL
- tools (semantic), List of open source tooling
- type (semantic), media type string of form URL
- URL (semantic), URL of this delayed response document
- url (semantic), Web URL
- vCard (semantic), URL pointing to a vCard
- version (semantic), Public version of the service.
- watchElementID (semantic), Unique identifier of a watch element
- watchElementName (semantic), Text name of a watch element
- watchElementRecord (semantic), WatchElement record
- watchElementTag (semantic), Filter tag of a watch element
- watchElementURL (semantic), URL of a watch element
- watchElementValue (semantic), Current value of a watch element
- watchID (semantic), Unique ID of the the state-watch resource
- watchListRecord (semantic), WatchList record
- watchListResource (semantic), List of watch-able elements
- watchListURL (semantic), URL of the element list resource.
- watchRecord (semantic), List of watched elements.
- watchResource (semantic), List of watched elements
- watchURL (semantic), URL of the state-watch document.
- wfProgress (semantic), Workflow progress resource
- wfProgressID (semantic), Unique identifier for this workflow progress resource.
- wfProgressRecord (semantic), A workflow progress record
- wfProgressURL (semantic), URL for this workflow progress resource.
- wipitem (semantic), A single WIP record.
- wiplink (semantic), WIP Link property object
- wiplist (semantic), WIP List resource
- x-github (semantic), org/person's account
- x-twitter (semantic), org/person's account
- Tags