RESTful Job Control: Semantic Descriptor


id type title
jobRecord semantic A job record (which has a collection of tasks)
goHome safe Navigate to the home resource
doJobUpdate idempotent Update existing job item resource
doJobRemove idempotent remove job record (via DELETE).
doJobRestart idempotent Request to restart this job from teh beginning
doJobContinue idempotent Request to contineu this job from where it last left off
doJobSuccess idempotent Navigate to the delayed response resource
doJobCancel idempotent Request to cancel this outstanding job (using DELETE)
doJobFailed idempotent Navigate to the failed resource
doTaskStart idempotent Start a task
doTaskRollback idempotent Rollback the task
doTaskCancel idempotent Cancel the task
doTaskUpdate idempotent Update the task
doTaskRerun idempotent Force rerun the task

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